Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't try to save by cutting down on Lattes

How to become rich? Where to invest?

When to call in a financial planner?


Sethi started out by preaching simplicity in finances. "Don't try to save by cutting down on Lattes", he advised, "Look out for the big things and if you are on track there, don't sweat the small stuff."

He claims average people can have success by automating their investments, using psychology to help them save and aiming for a system where you get "85 per cent right."

He repeated several times not to try hard to save every penny and not to get stressed out and use up all one's will power. The idea is to set up automatic investing plans, like SIPs, maximise company savings plans and focus on the big picture. He suggests setting up multiple savings sub accounts to save for specific goals, like say marriage, buying a car, or spending on a vacation.

He spoke of 401K plans, the USA version of the Provident Fund.

In India, the Provident fund is primarily invested in Government debt (although the Government is making efforts to bring in professional fund managers and link it to the market). In the USA you can choose from many funds, risk levels, debt, equity and more. He fears the system is too confusing for most.

"When people have too many choices, they make no choice at all but put it off. Better to stay simple but be invested.

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